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Film composer

Sacem Grand Prix 2019 as film composer of the year, and nominated for the César in 2018 for the movie "Au revoir là haut" by Albert Dupontel, Christophe Julien is an artist constantly in search of innovative and original collaborations. He’s part of that new generation of film music composers who need to explore a cinematographic universe as varied as the universe itself. This is what has pushed him, and pushes him, to constantly renew and develop his writing, while still remaining ardently at the service of the directors with whom he is working.

The palette is large. His compositions for both Cinema and Television have given him the opportunity to work with symphonic orchestras on historical films like Albert Dupontel’s «  Au Revoir là Haut  », and also Dupontel’s comedies, «  Neuf Mois Ferme » and «  Le Vilain » as well as Gérard Pautonnier’s «  Grand Froid ». He’s created soundtracks for more ‘intimate’ films like Fred Cavayé's "Le jeu" , Eric Bernard’s «  Le Goût Des Merveilles », Richard Berry’s «  Nos Femmes », Josiane Balasko’s «  Demi-Soeur » and Carmen Chaplin’s «  Tryst In Panama », and even composed for international films like Irena Salina’s highly praised documentary «  Flow, For  Love Of Water ».

For many years he has worked very closely and faithfully with the award winning Iranian director, Nader Takmil Homayoun, working on the films, «  Tehroun, » «  Iran, Une Revolution Cinématographique » and «  Les Pieds Dans Le Tapis ». For this last film, Christophe Julien received the prize for best original music at the Luchon Film Festival and at the French Radio and Televison Awards Ceremony 2016, which he received from the iconic film composer, Jean-Claude Petit.

Many other directors have led Christophe Julien into the most original and ‘left-field’ worlds of film music. For Allan Mauduit and Jean-Patrick Benes «  Kaboul Kitchen », a smash-hit series for french télévison’s Canal Plus, he found himself fusing 1970s rock with traditional Afghan music. His talents as a guitarist was put to using developing the unique theme which became emblematic of the series.

His formation was a classical training at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, which was crowned with many first prizes and always with ‘merits.’  This along with his studies in musicology at the Sorbonne in Paris, offered him enormous scope for creation.

The symphonic Orchestra is one of the most important and central elements which Christophe Julien wishes to develop in his compostions for film music.

It is a desire which was reinforced and confirmed following his meeting in America with the Hollywood composer, Christopher Young ( Spiderman 3, The Grudge ) and with the added intention of mixing a variety of textures and themes from the world of ethnic, vocal and electronic music.

© Pauline Pallier

Many of Christophe Julien’s films have been selected for some of the world’s prestigious festivals.

«  Manon On The Asphalt  » was an Oscar Nomination.

«  Flow, For Love of Water »  was selected for the Sundance Film Festival.

«  9 Mois Ferme »  received two prizes ( Best Orignal Screenplay and Best Actrice ) and four nominations at the French César Awards and won Best Film award at the Crystal Globes.

«  Tehroun  »  won the Critics prize at Venice and the Talent Tape Award at Fribourg’s International Film Festival.

"The Dupontel revolution is also due to its musician, Christophe Julien" - G.B. Premiere
"His greatest talent is the melodies" - Albert Dupontel

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